Coding Projects, Tutorials, & Tech How-To's.

Coding Projects

Below are a collection of coding projects in various states of readiness and free to use.

  • Random Draft Generator - this application allows users input names and generate a random ordering of the names.
  • Random Student Generator - this application is similar in nature to the random draft generator. However, this is a bit more robust and allows for group pairings and the removal of student names from the list to simulate a class setting.
  • Code Assistant - connected to OpenAI's API .
  • An Easy to Use To-Do List Web App - Info is saved to Javascript Cookies. Thus, your list is only remebered by the browser on a particular device.
  • Pickleball Rating App - still in beta mode.

Last updated 11/17/23

Coding Tutorials

Below is a list of tutorials. Check back often to view new content

Last updated 11/17/23

AP Computer Science Tutoring - If you are interest in tutoring services for AP Computer Science Principles or AP CS A send your inquiry here.